Section 1. Accessing the data entry page
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Yes. On the login page, there is a checkbox that says: Check this box if you want your browser to remember your login information. If you check it, your browser (e.g., Netscape or IExplorer) will keep a "cookie" containing the login information for the next time. This will only work for sessions done on a single computer, and only on a computer that allows cookies. If you try logging in using a new computer, you must enter your number and password again. Do NOT save your login information if you are working in a public place (e.g. a library) as anybody using that computer would then be automatically logged in as you.
Section 2. Personal information
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Section 3. Before you start entering data
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Section 4. Error messages
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Section 5. Entering data
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Section 6. Breeding Evidence Form
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Section 7. Point Count Form
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Section 8. Rare/Colonial Bird Form
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